Wednesday, 14 December 2011

getting ready for christmas

Last week Mummy & Daddy put a large tree in the front room and with Rileys help they covered it with decorations and looks very nice! I like to remove the decorations so mummy can re-decorate it each day. When we got the decorations out I found a red nose to try on....

I have stopped trying to say words because its much easier to just say 'eehh' or to winge when I want something and someone usually does it.
Im very good at bed time and usually go to bed about 7.30pm after my bottle. I still like to drink my morning and evening milk from a bottle. Mummy & Daddy have tried a few times to give me milk in a different cup but I just throw it on the floor or push it away.

It is almost christmas Im not sure what happens at christmas time but it sounds exciting!